
Aortitis: Inflammation of the aorta. The causes of aortitis include syphilis and rheumatic fever.

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  • AP

    AP: AP is a versatile abbreviation. It serves in cardiology to abbreviate angina pectoris (AP) and arterial pressure (AP). In endocrinology, it stands for the anterior pituitary (AP). And in anatomy, AP means anteroposterior, i.e., from front-to-back.

  • AP (anteroposterior)

    AP (anteroposterior): In anatomy, AP stands for anteroposterior: from front-to-back. For example, an AP X-ray of the chest is taken from front-to-back. AP in this respect is the opposite of PA, which stands for posteroanterior: from back-to-front.

  • AP, X-ray

    AP, X-ray: An X-ray picture in which the beams pass from front-to-back (anteroposterior). As opposed to a PA (posteroanterior) film in which the rays pass through the body from back-to-front.

  • APA

    APA: 1. American Psychiatric Association. 2. American Psychological Association. 3. American Podiatry Association. 4. Antiphospholipid antibody. 5. Alkaline phosphatase activity.

  • APC

    APC: APC has several very different meanings in medicine. See each of the following separate entries: 1. APC (gene). 2. APC (immunology). 3. APC (medication).

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