Stool occult blood test
A test to check for hidden blood in stool. (Fecal refers to stool. Occult means hidden.) Abbreviated stool OB.
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The solid matter that is discharged in a bowel movement.
- Stones, cystine kidney
Hematuria — blood in the urine; Flank pain — pain in the side, due to kidney pain; Renal colic – intense, cramping pain due to stones in the urinary tract; Obstructive uropathy — urinary tract disease due to obstruction; and Urinary tract infections. Prevention of stone formation is directed at decreasing the cystine concentration in […]
- Sunburn
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also known as Sundown Syndrome, a term used to refer to behavioral changes that often occur in the late afternoon or evening in people with Alzheimer’s disease and similar conditions. The behavioral changes make take the form of aggression, agitation, delusions, hallucinations, paranoia, increased disorientation, or wandering and pacing about. Experts are not sure why […]
- Sunscreen
A substance that blocks the effect of the sun’s harmful rays. Using lotions that contain sunscreens can reduce the risk of skin cancer, including melanoma.