The area just behind and to the side of the forehead and the eye, above the side of the zygomatic arch (cheekbone) and in front of the ear.
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- Temporal
1. Pertaining to time, limited in time, temporary, or transient. 2. Pertaining to the temple region of the head. The temporal lobe of the brain is located beneath the temple. From the Latin tempus which means both time and the temple of the head.
- Temporal arteritis
Also called giant cell arteritis or cranial arteritis, this is a serious disease characterized by inflammation of the walls of the blood vessels (vasculitis). The vessels affected by inflammation are the arteries (hence the name “arteritis”). The age of affected patients is usually over 50 years of age. Giant cell arteritis can lead to blindness […]
- Temporal bone
A large irregular bone that is situated at the base and side of the skull. The temporal bone is connected with the mandible (the jawbone) via the temporomandibular joint.
- Temporal lobe
The lobe of the cerebral hemisphere located down on the side just forward of the occipital lobe. The temporal lobe contains the auditory cortex which is responsible for hearing. It is also the site of the seizure activity characteristic of temporal-lobe epilepsy.
- Temporal-lobe epilepsy
Epilepsy that is characterized by abnormal electrical activity in the temporal lobe of the brain. This activity does not cause grand mal seizures; rather, it causes unusual behaviors and patterns of cognition. Temporal lobe epilepsy may, for example, cause sudden outbursts of unexpected aggression or agitation, or it may be characterized by aura-like phenomena. The […]