- Microsoft Edge
Microsoft Edge is the official name for a new and improved Web browser introduced in Microsoft’s Windows 10 operating system that was developed to replace the venerable Internet Explorer Web browser. Microsoft Edge combines recent web technology advancements with a streamlined and faster browsing experience, while also delivering compatibility and a consistent user experience across […]
- Clutter
Clutter is a technology developed by Microsoft for its Outlook email client that helps users automatically organize their Outlook inboxes and prioritize important e-mails by moving lower priority messages to a new Clutter folder. The Microsoft Clutter technology debuted in late 2014 for Office 365 users, and is now available on Outlook PC and mobile […]
- Micro-Virtualization
Micro-virtualization is a technology developed by desktop security firm Bromium to help ensure secure computing environments. Micro-virtualization utilizes a Xen-based security-focused hypervisor called a microvisor that creates hardware-isolated micro virtual machines (micro-VMs) for each computing task that utilizes data originating from an unknown source. Tasks in this sense are the computation that takes place within […]
- Mobile Application Management (MAM)
Mobile Application Management (MAM) is a term that refers to software and services used to secure, manage and distribute mobile applications used in enterprise settings on mobile devices like smartphones and tablet computers. Mobile Application Management can apply to company-owned mobile devices as well as BYOD (“Bring Your Own Devices”). MAM solutions typically offer a […]
- a Microvisor
The term microvisor refers to a Xen-based security-focused hypervisor developed by security firm Bromium that provides micro-virtualization technology to ensure secure computing environments. Short for micro-hypervisor, a microvisor works with the VT (Virtualization Technology) features built into Intel, AMD and other CPUs to create hardware-isolated micro virtual machines (micro-VMs) for each task performed by a […]
- Microsoft Outlook
Microsoft Outlook is an e-mail client and personal information manager (PIM) that’s available as part of Microsoft’s Office suite. Many corporations utilize Microsoft Outlook in conjunction with Microsoft Exchange Server and Microsoft SharePoint Server for employees to coordinate meetings, calendars and shared mailboxes and folders. A version of Microsoft Outlook for Windows Mobile devices, Outlook […]
Short for cable modem termination system, a system of devices located in the cable head-end that allows cable television operators to offer high-speed Internet access to home computers. The CMTS sends and receives digital cable modem signals on a cable network, receiving signals sent upstream from a user’s cable modem, converting the signals into IP […]
- Office 365 Web apps
Office Web Apps are browser-based versions of Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and OneNote. Office Web apps allow users to view and edit Microsoft Office documents on any device. Home and school users can Use Office Web Apps on SkyDrive for anywhere access and document sharing at home and school. Business and enterprise users can use […]
- active reconnaissance
(ak´tiv ri-kon´&-zents) (n.) The process of collecting information about an intended target of a malicious hack by probing the target system. Active reconnaissance typically involves port scanning in order to find weaknesses in the target system (i.e., which ports are left vulnerable and/or if there are ways around the firewall and routers). The process of […]
- database engine
The part of a database management system (DBMS) that actually stores and retrieves data. Most DBMS’s include an Application Programming Interface (API) that enables you to directly control the engine without going through the DBMS’s user interface.