• Microsoft Edge

    Microsoft Edge is the official name for a new and improved Web browser introduced in Microsoft’s Windows 10 operating system that was developed to replace the venerable Internet Explorer Web browser. Microsoft Edge combines recent web technology advancements with a streamlined and faster browsing experience, while also delivering compatibility and a consistent user experience across […]

  • Clutter

    Clutter is a technology developed by Microsoft for its Outlook email client that helps users automatically organize their Outlook inboxes and prioritize important e-mails by moving lower priority messages to a new Clutter folder. The Microsoft Clutter technology debuted in late 2014 for Office 365 users, and is now available on Outlook PC and mobile […]

  • Micro-Virtualization

    Micro-virtualization is a technology developed by desktop security firm Bromium to help ensure secure computing environments. Micro-virtualization utilizes a Xen-based security-focused hypervisor called a microvisor that creates hardware-isolated micro virtual machines (micro-VMs) for each computing task that utilizes data originating from an unknown source. Tasks in this sense are the computation that takes place within […]

  • Mobile Application Management (MAM)

    Mobile Application Management (MAM) is a term that refers to software and services used to secure, manage and distribute mobile applications used in enterprise settings on mobile devices like smartphones and tablet computers. Mobile Application Management can apply to company-owned mobile devices as well as BYOD (“Bring Your Own Devices”). MAM solutions typically offer a […]

  • a Microvisor

    The term microvisor refers to a Xen-based security-focused hypervisor developed by security firm Bromium that provides micro-virtualization technology to ensure secure computing environments. Short for micro-hypervisor, a microvisor works with the VT (Virtualization Technology) features built into Intel, AMD and other CPUs to create hardware-isolated micro virtual machines (micro-VMs) for each task performed by a […]

  • diode

    An electric component that conducts electric current in only one direction, functioning as a one-way valve. Diodes typically are made from semiconductor materials such as silicon, germanium or selenium and are uses as voltage regulators, signal rectifiers, oscillators and signal modulators/demodulators. In computer equipment, diodes are commonly used to emit light by passing a current […]

  • QVGA

    Short for Quarter Video Graphics Array, and more commonly abbreviated as Quarter VGA, QVGA is the term used to describe computer displays that use 320×240 resolution (320 pixels horizontally by 240 pixels vertically) or 240×320 resolution if the display is taller than wide. This display is commonly used in smartphones, digital cameras, PDAs and other […]

  • mWare

    Short for mobileware, mWare is a term used to describe computer software that is designed to run on mobile devices.

  • auto correct fail

    Autocorrect Follies

  • upconversion

    In digital television, upconversion is the process where a lower resolution signal is converted to a higher resolution. This process will increase the number of pixels, frame rate or the scanning lines. Contrast with downconversion.