SUPERSTITIAL(tm) format is a standard in online advertising created by Unicast – a non banner, interactive advertising solutions and services company for the Internet.
SUPERSTITIALs are highly interactive, non-banner ads that can be any size on the computer screen and up to 100K in file size, featuring full animation, sound and graphics capable of effectively conveying integrated advertising while protecting a Web site’s performance.
Pre-loaded using a patent-pending “polite” delivery system that minimizes the latency problems often experienced with streaming online advertising solutions, SUPERSTITIAL ads play only upon a user-initiated break in surfing, such as a mouse click. SUPERSTITIALs can be used to achieve multiple advertising goals, including branding, direct marketing, commerce and entertainment. SUPERSTITIAL ads play only once fully loaded, ensuring that every user gets a consistent and complete brand message and that each advertiser pays only for guaranteed impressions.
Additionally, because SUPERSTITIAL ad units exist outside the banner space, they can create an entirely new revenue stream for Web publishers.
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