(1) Short for transistor-transistor logic, a common type of digital circuit in which the output is derived from two transistors. The first semiconductors using TTL were developed by Texas Instruments in 1965. The term is commonly used to describe any system based on digital circuitry, as in TTL monitor.
(2) Short for Time to Live, a field in the Internet Protocol (IP) that specifies how many more hops a packetcan travel before being discarded or returned.
(3) Short for through-the-lens it is a name for the LCD screen on a digital camera that shows what is projected onto the sensor by the lens. This is an alternate to using the optical or electronic viewfinder. Also called a TTL viewfinder.
Read Also:
- TTL monitor
TTL stands for transistor-transistor logic and refers to a special type of digital circuit. More commonly, however, TTL is used to designate any type of digital input or device. A TTL monitor, therefore, is a monitor that accepts digital input. TTL monitors are consistent with older graphics standards such as MDA, but all newer graphics […]
- Text to Speech (TTS)
Text to speech, abbreviated as TTS, is a form of speech synthesis that converts text into spoken voice output. Text to speech systems were first developed to aid the visually impaired by offering a computer-generated spoken voice that would “read” text to the user. TTS should not be confused with voice response systems. Voice response […]
The de facto interface standard for scanners. Nearly all scanners come with a TWAIN driver, which makes them compatible with any TWAIN-supporting software. However, not all scanner software is TWAIN-compatible.
Short for twentieth of a point , a typographical measurement.
- T-1 carrier
A dedicated phone connection supporting data rates of 1.544Mbits per second. A T-1 line actually consists of 24 individual channels, each of which supports 64Kbits per second. Each 64Kbit/second channel can be configured to carry voice or data traffic. Most telephone companies allow you to buy just some of these individual channels, known as fractional […]