Synonyms for futilely
adv in vain
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- Futility
Synonyms for futility noun uselessness emptiness ineffectiveness fruitlessness unprofitableness idleness hollowness senselessness worthlessness frivolousness pointlessness ineffectuality meaninglessness
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Synonyms for futon noun sofa bed sofa davenport couch daybed convertible sofa
- Future
Synonyms for future adj to come; expected prospective eventual subsequent planned imminent forthcoming impending ultimate unfolding inevitable approaching final coming booked destined fated later likely near next ulterior unborn scheduled up budgeted close at hand coming up down the line down the pike down the road from here in from here on from here to […]
- Future existence
Synonyms for future existence noun life after death afterlife heaven underworld by-and-by future hell afterward afterworld offing otherworld future life aftertime next world the beyond to-be world to come Antonyms for future existence life
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Synonyms for future existences noun life after death afterlife heaven underworld by-and-by future hell afterward afterworld offing otherworld future life aftertime future existence next world the beyond to-be world to come Antonyms for future existences life