Deine Mutter
“deine mutter”-jokes are often used among german teenagers. you can use them to insult someone (or his/her mother).
otherwise you can use “deine mutter!” -> “deine mudda!” (pr-nounce it die-ne mu-dah) as a slang for “shove it” or when you want to deny sth.
and you can compare it with “your mum”.
as an insult:
– “deine mutter steht vor kik und schreit “nur ich bin billiger!”.”
(your mother stands in front of kik (that’s a cheap boutique, where n-body wants to buy his/her clothes) and shouts “only i am cheaper!” (cheaper in the meaning of sl-tty))
and as “shove it”:
– “bring doch den müll runter”
(carry off the trash)
– “ey, deine mudda!”
(your mum!)
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