
just like their name, these girls are unique. usually carefree with a strong zest for life. they tend to have beautiful eyes and strong s-x appeal. they’re loyal to a fault and if you mess with anyone they care about watch out. they love music, adventure and tend to be very intelligent. they take their responsibilities very seriously and hate to let anyone down. if you know a girl named dena consider yourself lucky, you found a friend for life.
any girl named dena is amazing !!!!
very attractive girl who is often a leader in her field of life. she takes on projects of all interest and is hailed as someone who is successful and thinks outside the box. people tend to believe she enjoys being in the spotlight, when in reality she’d rather get the job done and blend quietly in the background. she has deep roots and beliefs in god and family. shes an extremely faithful friend but when betrayed struggles with forgiveness.
dena is helping out with the church food bank this weekend.
dena is a beautiful friend with a gorgeous smile and pretty eyes! she is a fun momma and great friend, always willing to help a friend in need of a mimosa and a good laugh! dena is a loving mommy and takes great pride in making her babies happy and loved! dena is the best!!!
friend 1: that was so sweet of her to have us over!
friend 2: she’s so dena, love her!
loves to sing, someone you can trust who will give you more in return than you can ever imagine. smart and loving people tend to flock around her. destined to be famous.
did you see mary’s performance last night? she’s a total dena!
most perfect person one could ever met. a man who would give his love to you without second guessing himself. one whose love is truer than science and larger than literature. one who you could trust with your heart. one who is perfect.
where did you get that denas?
that’s a perfect denas.
another name for the city ‘pasadena’
(in maryland)
i live in the dena.
slang term for placing syrup in coffee.
can you please put some dena in that?

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