Dog Alarm
a warning device made up of one or more dogs to signal that something is happening outside
my dog alarm goes off whenever someone is at the door, on the sidealk, accross the street, driving down the street, delivering mail, picking up trash, etc., etc., etc., etc,. etc., etc., etc., …..
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- Dog nosing
on sharing a bed with a male friend, usually drunkenly, and awakening in the early hours to feel a sensation not disimilar to a dog, gently but persistently nudging your upper leg with it’s nose, as if wanting a walk or a bone. i’s not a dog. but it does want a bone. urgh, i […]
- Dog Park Punch Mad
when you get so mad because your mini dog attacks another mini dog at the dog park, you punch the playboy model who owns the other dog in the face. like when a sacramento county law enforecment officer punches a citizen in the face over a midget dog fight. jennifer: what’s wrong? jane: oh i […]
- Dog Pie
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- Doilyn
doilyn, a patron on the gamefaqs (game eff-a-ques) wow board, is actually the god of all creation. while his real name is theo, it is generally agreed upon that the name “doilyn” fits him better. while no one is quite sure of his actual occupation, there is substantial evidence that he is, at once, a […]
- dog raper
someone who engages in s-xual acts with a canine, or dog. guy 1: that kid b-ri is a dog raper, did you see him having s-x with that dog, it was sick! guy 2: i know! he took it up the b-m hole, how sick is that!? b-ri: bite me. come closer so that i […]