doggy bagging
when a girl grabs your b-lls while your f-cking her from behind.
hey b-tch, you better be doggy bagging!
the act of inserting the scr-t-m into an orifice (v-g-n-l or -n-l) during doggy style s-x.
if only one t-st-cl- is inserted, it is termed a lance.
ted: ever tried doggy bagging?
bill: dude, i totally doggy bagged my girlfriend last night.
ted: excellent! one or two?
bill: one … i lanced her.
pulling the blankets or a pillow over a girl’s face so you don’t have to look at her.
rick got drunk and hooked up with a real b-tterface, but he doggy bagged that shizzle, so it’s all good.
the game of hiding a used condom in a s-xual partner’s handbag or purse after intercourse.
the name derives from the slang word for taking a meal from a restaurant home in a bag, but replacing the meal with s-m-n, and the paper or plastic bag, with a condom for the recipient to ‘take home for later’
dude, i did this chick, she had know idea i was doggybagging her after we finished, gave her a little surprise for later
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