doin’ the most
n. (state of being) by searching for this term, you have been caught doin’ the most. often used when somebody over-uses, over-does, or over-kills anything, or goes out of their way for an insignificant reason.
-in text messages and other text-forms of communications, it is often abbreviated as “dtm”. quite often it is followed or lead by a “smh” or “shaking my head”.
me: i just wrote a definition for “doin’ the most” on urban dictionary.
friend: you’re doin’ the most.
girl: idgaf, so stfu and gtfo.
me: dtm, smh.
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when someone is just over-exaggerating, trying to draw a lot of attention, or putting themselves out there in a needy manner.
“omg! why is she wearing those leopard print leggings?! she is doin’ the most!”
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