donkey chills

the act of getting gooseb-mps and you can’t quite remember the name at the moment.
lastnight i had this wierd dream and it happened the next day and i had……… had…… had…. whats the word? is it donkey chills?

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  • doofwit

    a really clueless, stupid person. the people at urban dictionary are real doofwits if they don’t know what a doofwit is.

  • don't get a big dick

    keep yourself under control. chill the f-ck out. stop acting like a douche. kids….”can we have movie theater popcorn” dad….”how much is it” kids…..”two for five dollars” dad…”ahh i guess” kids…”yaaaayyyy yaaayy” dad…”calm down, calm down!!….don’t get a big d-ck!!!!” tourettes guy

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  • dootna farquhar

    it’s a replacement word to fill the sp-ce when you forget the word you need to say/ can’t think of the word you want to say. whatsee whosit um can you p-ss me the dootna farquhar? have you seen my freakin dootna farquhar? what’s for tea? it’s a chickeney dootna farquhar.

  • Dopematic

    the act or fact of something being automatically dope. that buzzer beater to win the championship was dopematic. the cl-ssic alb-m “college dropout” by kanye west is dopematic.

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