The Independent UK
When it comes to goals, how many have you actually followed through with? Whether it’s to read more throughout the year or lose that extra weight you gained during the holidays, setting goals is simply a part of our everyday culture. However, seeing them through is a whole other matter entirely.
For Lexi and Danny Reed, they knew it was time to change their lives for the better, and 24 months later they are inspiring people around the world. You won’t believe their incredible story.
Yo-Yo Dieting

Most people will agree that losing weight is hard, and for Lexi Reed, it was a constant battle she couldn’t seem to win. Ever since she was a young girl her weight had always been an issue. Despite trying multiple diets, the pounds would always pack back on after a few months.
To say she was at her wit’s end would be an understatement.
The Point of No Return

Lexi’s tipping point came when she got on the scale one morning and saw she was just shy of 400 pounds at the young age of 25. Even though she maintained a positive attitude and didn’t let her weight define her, she could no longer ignore it was impacting her quality of life.
Love At First Sight

However, Lexi’s weight didn’t stop her from falling in love with her best friend Danny, someone who loved her no matter what size. Even better, the couple had been friends for over ten years. They were a match made in Heaven!
Unfortunately, Danny struggled with his weight as well and knew he was contributing to her unhealthy lifestyle with his own vices.
Their Own Worst Enemy

If Lexi struggled with bad eating habits before, with Danny it spiraled out of control. They ate out almost every meal, indulging at buffets and fast food to their heart’s content. Sadly, this took a real toll on their bodies and the scale.
Binge Eaters United

According to Lexi, food was an emotional part of her life. It made her feel content and she admitted that she and Danny would spend many nights binge eating in front of the TV. “I was always an emotional eater, and no matter what the mood, food was always there for me.”
Limited Activities

The Buzz Tube
Despite being in love, Lexi and Danny were limited in what they could do together. Taking walks, hiking and even enjoying a night out on the town was tough due to their excessive weight. Therefore, they spent most of their time at home watching TV and eating.
Lexi knew she had to make a change and soon.
Will You Marry Me?

The turning point for Lexi came when Danny asked her to marry him. It was one of the happiest days of her life, but it also posed a real problem. How would she ever find a wedding dress at 485 pounds?
The Perfect Dress

Despite her size, Lexi was able to find a dress that was perfect for her wedding. However, she’d be lying to say she felt “glamorous” on her wedding day. Lexi knew if she and Danny were to have a long and happy life together, they would have to make a change.
Dreams Out of Reach

Celebs Pulse
There were many things the couple wished to do, but their weight kept them from. Lexi wanted children but knew at her weight it was very dangerous. They also wanted to travel, but fitting into airplane seats was almost impossible. For Lexi and Danny, their lifestyle had completely trapped them in a personal prison.
Something Has Got to Give

Tops Images
A year after their wedding, both Lexi and Danny still were indulging in their unhealthy ways. Lexi knew that she had to make a change and it was now or never. So, for New Year’s 2016 she made a promise to herself to get healthy.
Thankfully, Danny was ready to support her every step of the way. Together, they would beat their food addiction.
New Year, New You

“At first the idea didn’t sound great because it was always good going home, sitting down, eating and not having to worry about anything,” Danny admitted. “However, It was a new year and something to work toward while helping Lexi out as well.”
The Rules

After their friends caught wind of their New Year’s Resolution, they all decided to make a bet. For one month, the couple would not eat out, cut out soda and alcohol and there would be absolutely NO cheat meals. As for exercise, they had to get to the gym five days per week for 30 minutes.
Danny and Lexi were ready to take back their lives.
No More

“We feared if we didn’t get our health under control, we would never be able to start a family.” And with a desire to travel and finally achieve her dream of going to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, Lexi committed to changing her life completely.
Hitting the Gym

Image: JTA Wellness
The couple immediately joined a gym near their home and began working out every single day for 30 minutes per day. Of course, it wasn’t easy. With no knowledge of the gym or a workout routine, Lexi struggled with finding a plan that worked. And due to her excessive weight, joint pain was a real issue.
Fighting Insecurities

Daily Mail
For Lexi, finding the right gym was difficult. Not only was she self-conscious, but she needed to try out different places that had equipment that would work with her needs. Finally, she found a gym where she could work out on the CrossRamp and now feel like people were watching her.
Healthier Food Choices

Men’s Health
Both Danny and Lexi struggled at first with their new workout routine and changing their eating habits also came with its fair share of challenges. Without easy access to restaurants and fast food, the couple had to start cooking their meals and prepping or the week.
New Lifestyle

Daily Mail
It was important for Danny and Lexi that this commitment to get healthy wasn’t just another diet. They knew diets were temporary and it was important this was a complete lifestyle change.
They were in it to win it!
Making the Transition Easy

Eat This, Not That!
One thing Lexi loved to do was experimenting with recipes. Since she didn’t want to feel completely deprived, she would come up with new healthier versions of the foods she loved. This allowed her to make simple changes yet still feel satisfied.
Stronger Together

Image: Movie Predators
Lexi confesses she couldn’t have taken the journey alone. Having Danny by her side was a tremendous help. Together, they began to shed weight and achieve their goals. And soon, their one-month challenge became just a way of life.
A New Way of Life

Image: HyperActivz
Lexi and Danny began to change up their workouts and meal plans. Lexi even began to take classes to switch up her gym routine. “I love my Pulse class. I love dancing to my favorite music and not feeling like it’s a workout. We can do a song full of squats and even though my legs are burning, it’s so much fun that I don’t even notice.”
Hard Work Pays Off

Image: HyperActivz
After two years of hard work, both Lexi and Danny were transformed into completely new people. Lexi lost over 312 pounds and Danny had dropped 100. Throughout their journey, the couple had shared every moment on Instagram, inspiring others to get healthy as well.
Of course, their success soon garnered media attention.
Living Their Best Life

Image: HyperActivz
Today, Lexi and Danny are living their best lives. They have traveled, been on national television and have a whole new outlook on life. Lexi even achieved her dream of visiting the Wizarding World of Harry Potter.
Together, this couple has proven anything is possible with hard work and support. Talk about inspiring!