extreme close up

a technique in film and media, which involves zooming in so far onto a persons face that you can practically feel their honking breath.
1) wayne and garth : extreme close up! woaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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  • Jersied

    when the act of f-ll-t– takes so much time the p-n-s becomes raw bruce “what is taking so long?” sherry “its not my fault.” bruce “its starting to hurt stop!” sherry “what happened?” bruce “you just jersied me are you kidding you rubbed it raw!”

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    beast that lives in oklahoma and everybody wishes they could be him because he gets all the ladies “dang, hes s-xy like jesse keys”

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    a very large p-n-s. about equivilent in size to a baby’s arm, the the head being the size and general color of a plum. mary: did you see the size of that thing? jane: oh my…it was… mary: as big as a baby’s arm clutching a plum. jane: yes, yes it was.

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    the acid that’s found in a battery. battery acid (said while under the influence) becomes the word bacceryadid.

  • Jessica Pentico

    batman who’s batmans real ident-ty? jessica pentico is!! :d

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