
1. a unit of mesuring distance that is 6 feet or about equal to the length of a grown man’s outstreched arms.

2. to contemplate or think about with effort
1.the shipwreck is about 10 fathoms down

2.who but the almighty can fathom the depths of the abyss
deep thought.
a cliché that means deep thought.
the action of people thinking underwater.


main entry: 1fath·om
pr-nunciation: ‘fa-th&m
function: noun
etymology: middle english fadme, from old english fæthm outstretched arms, length of the outstretched arms; akin to old norse fathmr fathom, latin patere to be open, pandere to spread out, greek petannynai
date: before 12th century
1 : a unit of length equal to six feet (1.83 meters) used especially for measuring the depth of water
2 : comprehension
the first year composition students could not fathom another way to write without the use of trite words.
noun – a unit of length equal to six feet (approximately 1.8 m), chiefly used in reference to the depth of water.
verb – (1) understand (a difficult problem or an enigmatic person) after much thought. (2) measure the depth of (water).
“sonar says that we’re in eighteen fathoms”
“he could scarcely fathom the idea that people actually lived in las vegas”
“an attempt to fathom the ocean”
“charlotte tried to fathom her cat’s expression”
“fathoming the ocean”
this is the coolest wordin the english language i use it in every day talking cuz im cool
can you fathom the ferocity of a ferret in a flurry of flying fists
a whack mc i.e. cory krall
d-mn his beats were so whack it was almost like fathom got on stage.
1) a depth of 6 feet
2) to think very hard
3) your -n-s. the bcakround behind this meaning comes from when two people were dune boarding and one fell off and loanded on my b-m and said that his -n-s had stretched 6 feet open. now the word fathom is used to describe all b-ms not just a six foot wide one like his.
whoa! that hole must be at least two fathoms deep

quiet you fool he is fathoming this question

hahahahahaha he fell on his fathom while duneboarding!!!
used to subst-tute the word f-ck
fathom off!

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