one who fauxhips. generally engaged by apple fanboys and, to a lesser extent, any ipod owner who happens to be in front of a brightly colored wall when a trendy song starts playing.
bob wanted to seem cool to his friends, so he grabbed the nearest top 20, his earbuds, and fauxhipped in front of a white wall. everyone knew he was a fauxhipster, since everyone knows you don’t fauxhip in front of white.
a person who dresses like a counter culture hipster but actually embraces main stream and moderate believes.
she has a legit bible verse tattooed to her, what a faux hipster.
when one gives off the impression off being interesting, artisitic, cosmopolitan, progressive, different and witty but really it is a victory of style over substance. they dress in the highest of indepdendent fashions, they ooze this abstract indepedence and trendiness. they are generally aesthetically-pleasing but as soon as you spark a conversation with one of them you soon realise it is all a facade to cover up the lack of personality, wit, creativity or intelligence. these are the pretentious middle-cl-ss imposters who flock to inner-cities because they think they will fit in.
two guys are in a bar in camden, they see a possible hipster in the corner sipping her ice-tea and reading the latest copy of the big issue. one decides to walk over to her
guy: hey, can i just say your aura is enchanting!
faux-hipster durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh….
guy walks off disappointed. he sees his freind
guy 2: how did it go?
guy: just another faux-hipster..
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