1: fenjer is something everyone wants, yet cannot be described
2: a state of mind that cannot be described, which is unique and one of a kind
fenjer is the coolest.
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when you get home after a nice couple relaxing days away and the mail completely overwhelms your mailbox, falling out at your feet like a small little avalanche (girl walks in the door) “honey is that you?, i cant see from under this avalanche of mail, mailvalanche!!!”
- finger blaster
a person who uses his/her fingers to bring s-xual joy to someone else by inserting one or more fingers in the other person, bring them to a -rg-smic state. joe, mark and pat are all known finger blasters whom all the women love and l-st for. one who has great skill in the art of […]
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v. to arive at a location with a friend and leave them to find their own way home. or, “to be feranted” would be to arrive with a friend, said friend leaves, and being stuck to find your own ride home. 1) yeah i’ll be there, but i’ll have to ferante adam so i can […]
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