
fixing to (do) something

–>fixin’ ta —> fina
i’m fina go play ball.
about to do something.
i’m fina go to the store.
a synonym for “going to”
i fina go get my hair done today.
refers to an attractive female; a hot looking chick.
look at that fina over there, d-mn!
commonly used in situations of excitement or ownage.
dude: “let’s go have a beer”

you: “f’in a!”
fina is the magical walrusicorn that gives children the gift of wrapped up empty boxes. because of this, he has multiple bounties on his head.
d-mn, fina got me another empty box!
fine means are you goin to
you fina go home?are you goint to go home or is you fina do your homework meaning are you goin to do your homework..

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