fml stands for f— my life. it is also a website ( where people record horrible things that have happened to them. fmlers have really horrible f—ed up lives, and have probably recorded something on that website. or they have said f— my life several times.
person #1: so i hear you got divorced.
person #2: yeah, she thought i was having an affair, so she talked to her mother about it, who hates me. now my kids hate me, and i live in a cr-ppy apartment. f— my life!
person 1#: wow you are turning into a real fmler!
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grateful for your notice. when you want to thank for bringing your attention to subject that’s been pointed out. – you have a typo. third line, second word. – gfyn, will fix it. go f-ck yaself n-gg-aaaa ya boss axe you to stay late on the mother f-ckin weekend. you say, “yo boss man, gfyn.”
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