
a frensi is kind of a person who always gets what she wants . she is ambitious , modest and determined . you want to be her friend , but you dont want to be her enemy , cause she is really really dangerous .

a frensi is really hot , with a natural smile . when she looks at you , you feel like her eyes are staring into your soul . she is not a fake person , she always tells the truth and she never lies to anyone . she is sweet , kind and caring . she is really talented in any suspect , specialy at singing , dancing and design. she is going to be an artist .

a frensi is a romantic person . she can be an interesting , irresistible girlfriend . she has a great sense of humor . she can always make you laugh even when you are feeling sad . you are never bored around a person like this .

sometimes , people can be jealous of her , but she doesnt care . she just ceeps being herself . she is just … perfect . you are lucky to have her part of your life .
a : do you know that girl named frensi ?
b : who doesnt ? she is an example to everyone . she is perfect . people are so jealous of her . be her friend . you will be glad you did .

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