an american dubbing company who, in the past, brutally mutated great anime like dragonball (forever) and yu yu hakusho, but has since made a complete 180 and did spectacular jobs on trinity blood, gunslinger girl, basilisk, and fullmetal alchemist (only major cut they made was the opening songs, but that was only because of licensing). we all have hopes of them saving slaughtered anime like one piece and love hina.
“d-mn, by some miracle someone killed the evil dudes at funimation. who the h-ll knew that was gonna happen? these new anime are da bomb!”
“we’re still waiting for 4kids to die or have the same thing happen to them!”
a respectable anime licensing company that has brought many good animated shows from j-pan into several other countries.
their dubs might be poorly written (“desert punk”, crayon shin-chan), but they usually get the subt-tles done better then any other anime licensing company around.
no licensing company can beat fansubs at subt-tles though.
people #1: did you hear about that new anime funimation has licensed?
people #2: yeah, i’ve watched it 3 times over after i downloaded it months ago off the internet. i know it is too much to ask, but i hope they can get a decent dub done.
people #2 zomg! you think that’s possible!?
people #1: h-ll no! i was joking obviously! jeez…
a company that they do a terrible job dubbing dragonball, dbz, dbgt, yu yu hakusho, lupin, etc.
i hope funimation doesn’t screw up some more animes anymore…
r-t-rded anime dubbing/subing compagnie that denied people from downloading their sub even though they are 100% free.
animes like full metal alchemist brotherhood and requiem for the phantom are available for free on funimation website but if you download them from a fansubbing group you will get in trouble
stupid company that poorly dubbs their anime and can’t do anything right. responsible for f-cking up dragonball/z/gt.
jeez, i hope funi doesn’t f-ck one piece like they did dbz.
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