havin hoes

having hoes is when you are immature and most likely young. you have multiple guys/girls h-tting you up and sliding in your dm’s, you flirt with them mutually and keep them semi attached to you. common in highschool.
d-mnnnnnn dude you got h-lla hoes! let me get a piece of one. i wish i was havin hoes like you.

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  • celiese

    beautiful and loyal she is just the person to be friends with she will never on any account let you down.if someone treats her or her friends wrong she will take revenge.she also will easily fall in love. she is so friendly she could be named celiese!

  • seysha

    (say•shuh) basically, a super ratchet thot… but very loving…. but ratchet.. p-ssy on fleek.. but ratchet… yo u know seysha? yea i hit that….. she’s ratchet..

  • that guy gus

    magic mushrooms that guy gus got me trippin’ so hard it almost blew my bag off!

  • koonary

    n-gg-s actin like koons/ black people acting very ghetto or ignorant stop acting like a koon n-gg- that’s so much koonary

  • rajewell

    rajewell. also known as the best at everything in the world. he is smart and very sporty i want rajewell

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