a reference to the s-x god,meaning to receive extra credit for performing certain oral favors; usually done during video’s or after cl-ss
person 1 -yo man you know those b-tches that never come to cl-ss?
person -2 yeah man i herd the have a’s in the cl-ss what the f-ck!?
person 1 – definitely doin a higashi
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- Newtonmas
an alternative celebration of christmas for science/techno-geeks, based on the fact that december 25 (1642) is isaac newton’s birthdate. “doogie, why is there an apple at the top of your christmas tree?” “i’m a physicist, i’m celebrating newtonmas.”
short for nut getting venture. essentially, contact with a girl with the goal of obtaining one’s nut. friend: “yo look at tom macking jackie over there.” me: “so is that like an ngv?” friend: “yeah he totally wants to get on that sh-t.” 1 more definition n-gg-s got vocab “haha n-gg- that be copyrightt infringement! […]
- Nick O' Malley
also known as nicholas o’ malley or the s-xiest man alive. current b-ssist of arctic monkeys who replaced former b-ssist andy nicholson. relatively quiet but during interviews, his sharp wit is conspicuous. idiot: that nick o’ malley is fat and hairy. the wise one: yeah, but i reckon that if he wants to sh-g you, […]
- niggarized
past tense of n-gg-rize. “hey i know this song. no wait! it’s been n-gg-rized man!”
- Nigger me
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