1. hobomelon is an infectious & contagous disease that is spread through the body, starting at the p-n-s. the disease is aquired from fornicating with homeless people. the disease effects the p-n-s in such ways as swelling it up to the size of a watermelon.. it also moves slowly & painfully up to the brain, in return causing severe & intense brain damage resulting in exponential loss of iq at a quick pace.
i.e. encognito says, “oh noes!! i contracted the hobomelon virus, because i accidently pr-cked myself with my krol blade after slicing stealthmelon’s head off! i’ve contracted the hobomelon disease! oh noes!! i need to get to a doctor soon, or else my p-n-s will fall off, and my iq will drop 120 points! oh noes!”
i.e. grinsa says, “oh noes! omgwtfbbq!i knoes i shouldn’t have had secks with that homeless guy stealthmelon… oh noes! the airforce won’t cover my hobomelon disease.. oh noes!! i’m hobomelon positive.. i need to go get a jet tool & cut my w-ng off so it won’t spread to my head! oh noes!!”
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