
a group of desperate, ugly girls who try to come across as alcoholics though they get drunk with frooti. they like to say that they’re broke and spend their time wearing makeup and taking selfies in which they usually look like cows. they have hundreds of followers on social media but get only a few likes. the like -n-l s-x and bl-wj-bs. the call each other hoes and hence the word hoenation.
look at that group of girls.they look like a hoenation
a group of desperate, ugly girls who try to come across as alcoholics though they get drunk with frooti. they like to say that they’re broke and spend their time wearing makeup and taking selfies in which they usually look like cows. they have hundreds of followers on social media but get only a few likes. the like -n-l s-x and bl-wj-bs. the call each other hoes and hence the word hoenation.
look at that group of girls.they look like a hoenation
a group of desperate, ugly girls who try to come across as alcoholics though they get drunk with frooti. they like to say that they’re broke and spend their time wearing makeup and taking selfies in which they usually look like cows. they have hundreds of followers on social media but get only a few likes. the like -n-l s-x and bl-wj-bs. the call each other hoes and hence the word hoenation.
look at that group of girls.they look like a hoenation
a group of desperate, ugly girls who try to come across as alcoholics though they get drunk with frooti. they like to say that they’re broke and spend their time wearing makeup and taking selfies in which they usually look like cows. they have hundreds of followers on social media but get only a few likes. the like -n-l s-x and bl-wj-bs. the call each other hoes and hence the word hoenation.
look at that group of girls.they look like a hoenation

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