bigger than big .
the dog was humanbongus ! i have never seen any other like it !
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- Smelt Batter
the s-xual act performed after the male finishes in a condom, then proceeding to fill the condom with smelt (live minnows) after which he places a funnel into womans v-g-n- and dumping the battered smelt into the funnel. (this method of conception is how justin beiber was concieved.) justin beiber was finally concieved after completing […]
- dysavow
when one or both parties has vowed, then either changes their mind oh yeah, i heard they dysavowed, thats gotta suck i bought this cr-ppy thing, now i want to dysavow that purchase, no thanks you can keep it maybe i shoukd think about it… nah just dysavow 1 more definition a metal band from […]
- d00l
1. to duel, a slang for the word “duel” in certain collectable card games such as “duel monsters” and “duel masters”. 2. the farsi language for the word: “p-n-s”. taeix: apoc! wanna d00l? apoc: bring it you h-m-. taeix: xd! you want to have p-n-s. apoc: ..? taeix: d00l = p-n-s in farsi. xd apoc: […]
- humpaholic
to hump non-stop during s-xual activities. my girl was f-cking my d-ck all night long even after i j-zzed in her. she is a humpaholic. 1 more definition person who humps non-stop until erection. my girl is a humpaholic. i tried to j-zz on her face but she kept humping me when i tried to […]
- Corporate Cocksucker
a person who represents a corporation that is arrogant and condescending to others, as long as they cannot affect his or her status as a shill. can also be defined as someone who will f-ck you over for a nickel and then treat you like an -sshole for asking for it back. person 1: who […]