
the act of inserting garlic and onions into a urethra.this act can be performed on different s-xes and originated in france in 1990 when the fasion for underground fetish clubs was to insert vegetables of that region into different s-xual orifices.grand master gano was the first to try when his mother inserted an asperin and a leak into his -n-s.
dave:your mum asked me to give her a jehu last night!

tom:shut the f-ck up dude!

dave:i obliged happily,she said the chilli peppers stung!
1 more definition
a misspelled version of the word jesus
while playing scrabble tyler mcdonald spells jehus, james challenges the word and loses. the end.

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    a name to call someone who is really cool and s-xy and has the initials j, e and k. although this is complete randomness its a good laugh. my burdy……hehe jek molde is my burdys nickname sometimes when i feel random

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