
the superhero of the jews he can fly because of his candles at the bottom of his feet, he has a star of david on his chest and he throws pennies at the enemy. his only villains are adolf and captain aschwitz. his sidekick is jewboy.
is it a quarter? no it’s a dime?

no it’s jewman!
how kiwis pr-nounce “german.”
“justin bieber is jewman for basketball.”
a person who is half jew and half german. most likely a mix breed resulting from post-n-z- germany. jewman adolescent and babies have special powers that enable them to jump up to 100 ft in the air. a jewman is constantly at war with people from the ginger race.
zach, a jewman, once killed a ginger while wearing mc hammer pants.
when one person is a jew and a german.
my friend kyle is a jewman
a cool -ss n-gg-…whos a jew
yo jewman!

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