Jin Akanishi

j-panese celebrity with the voice an angel, the body of some kind of f-cking greek god, and the personality of that ex-boyfriend you dumped after walking in on him having a drunken orgy in your bed without you. he used to be part of a band, then later started flying solo in 2010. likes to believe that he can speak english, also pretends to know jacksh-t about acting. he has a gorgeous voice though, as well as rabid fans who will claw out your eyes if you say different. he’s most definitely bis-xual, and mostly probably gay, despite his tendency to dress like a homeless busker on crack.
1) jin akanishi held a concert in l.a. last year.

2) after that one nude photo shoot, the word ‘eggplant’ became synonymous with the words ‘jin’s d-ck’.

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