
time for a joe/cigarette.
it’s always joe:30

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  • Zesko

    a term for anyone idiotic enough to light a fire in their own home with no safeguards in the vicinity “yeah, that zesko just lit a cigarette in his living room”

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    a fellow who is a total f-ck up that dude brett is a real f-cky fellow.

  • rabbo

    that’s when you see little cute rabbit, but you just can’t remember the word ,,bunny” me:-in the zoo– look at that cute rabbo friend: -looks confused-

  • Wennchester

    a ‘wennchester’ is mostly looked at as a ‘zekria’ because they lookalike. a ‘wennchester’ is a shy, friendly amd smol bean who trys to impress people. but what they really feel inside is like a deep hole, like the hole from guatemala, these ‘wennchester’s would probably listen to songs from bands and people like twenty […]

  • Douche-schwé

    a bougie person with the characteristics of a douche bag donald trump is a real douche-schwé

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