
pubic hairs found in the -n-l region. a combination of the word jobby and p-b-.
josh: d-mn! i got a dangleberry stuck in my jubes!

craig: i don’t get that anymore, i shaved mine.
a common word used in scotland, deep in the highlands. ‘jube’ can be defined as a word that can fit any sentance. however, it is mostly used as a replacement for the word ‘not’ in a joke form. jube is a very hard word to define but perhaps the examples will see you through…
rory: peter, this suit is black….jube.
peter: rory are you drunk??
rory: jube aye, not on a school day.
peter: see thst new car of mine its a beast
a thick area of extremely curly pubic hair (p-b-s), typically looking like a jew fro.
have you seen pat’s jubes?!
a jewish ladies b–bs, or br–sts or t-ts or melons or ballons or misquito bites
“what do you call a jewish womans b–bs?…jubes!!”
“look at those jubes on zac’s mom.”
sadam is a jube.
jewish pubic hair. term is most commonly used in reference to the curly dark hairs that will congregate along the rim of the toilet bowl in a jewish bachelor’s studio apartment.
“by the number of jubes on the rim of the toilet, it was apparent moishe hadn’t cleaned the bathroom for quite a few shabbats.”
a mix of ginger and p-b-s, used to describe someone with ginger p-b-s
melissa: lets go swimming

beth: yes, are you going to wear your swimming costume?

melissa: yes

beth: well make sure you have shaved your jubes then
the act of skeeting on something
bro i jubed all over the place

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