
an animator/artist on youtube, commonly known for animation memes and his work on deviantart.
did you see that meme kawoie made?

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  • the old lady thin lip

    when someone is giving a bl-wj-b and they tuck their teeth behind their lips, making their face look like an old lady with no teeth, gummin’ your d-ck around her mouth. she’s hot, but she gave me the old lady thin lip on my tip.

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    the cat f-cks your mother who is also your girlfriend the sanoor is the world’s most creature

  • track home

    the one look achieved when you’ve reached the height of plastic surgery. duck lips, botox, and silicon everything. when i watch reality tv, it’s hard to tell these track homes apart.

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    adylene a very beautiful girl probably the best friend you could ever wish for, any boy would be lucky to have her as his girlfriend. she also has a great sence if humor boy1:who’s that beautiful girl ? boy2:thats adylene isn’t she gorgeous?

  • polegenko

    usually from europe. they are rednecks and love nature. don’t care what people think about them and sometimes have a short temper. they usually have a big family. tough independent people. you must be a polegenko. polegenko are tough.

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