nothing to see here, move along
you will never understand loserliness
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- Losing on yourself
to lose one’s mind/marbles. refers to when an individual forgets obvious things or makes easy mistakes, similarly to the symptoms of going senile. ‘you’re losing on yourself because you put your shoes in the fridge!’ amy is losing on herself because she confused a person with a cat. to lose one’s mind/marbles. refers to when […]
- Lotte Chapman
the word “lotte” comes from the latin word “lottere” meaning “self-proclaimed man united fan”. however, recently scientists based in the kettering region, uk, have conclusively proved that it comes from the greek word “lottzezz” to mean “cheddar” or “meer”. “chapman” dates back to the 12th century, meaning “to scratch one’s b-lls.” see “to do a […]
- mac and dec
the god of all foods. more commonly know as mac and “cheese”. derived from the word ‘dec’ which is short for decent. used because cheese is dec. i can’t wait to go home and make some mac and dec.
- Macfriend
someone who appears to be a friend while convincing you to buy an apple mac. once you buy a mac and find out for yourself how unreliable it is, your friend is nowhere to be found. i used to think brad was a friend but now that i’m having trouble with my new mac he […]
- Magician's Assistant
a s-x act in which one m-st-rb-t-s a man, while pressing against their cheek with their tongue. the resulting action resembles a p-n-s being f-ll-t-d at the same time. that girl just gave me the magician’s -ssistant.