a description of a unsuccesfull wanna be stoned sprint car racer
ricky bobby is a mal-a-moonya
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noun. 1) a propensity for making unfortunate discoveries while searching for something unrelated. 2) the specific moment when unfortunate timing coincides with irony. 3) a series of events that converge on an unfortunate outcome. other form: malandipitous, adj. antonym: serendipity a man searches all around a parking lot for 20 minutes, and ultimately settles on […]
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one who puts a condom between two matresses and has s-x with it. scotty is the biggest matress bater. he likes to do it all night.
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a cholly old chap that works for food. he also codes good things such as his trainers :p s-xy
- Mattel man
1. a male person who seems like a strong -ssertive man on the outside, but closer inspection reveals that he is, in fact, metaphorically d-ckless and balless, like a male barbie doll, which is anatomically incorrect; 2. a gutless, spineless man plural: mattel men not to be confused with a man being called a ken […]
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when you truly believe something wieghs way to much.and wants to get on an elevater with you or in your car..elephants ..fat chicks …wrecking b-lls,,, that fat chick wanted a ride in my car but she exeeded the maximum loadage paramiters of this vehicles specs…. a phrase that discribes a person place or thing that […]