Mea Stella
mea stella is a beautiful thing. it means “my star” in latin. mea stella is a light for me in the darkness, something i can always count on. just like any other star, mea stella is bright and amazing and utterly beautiful, full of wonder and so incredibly sweet. far back into history, people used the stars to guide them, to light the way to wherever they wished to go. mea stella guides me and protects me, and makes me feel safe whenever he is near. even when the sun comes up and mea stella has to hide from others behind a mask, i still see the true him beneath that mask, and feel him in my heart. i would die to protect mea stella, to make sure that it keeps burning and that it’s beautiful light never goes out. mea stella has captured my atttention, my loyalty, my thoughts, and most of all… my heart… forever. i will always love you, mea stella.
mea stella, my love, you are my reason, my life, my everything. i would do anything…everything for you. i know we will be together for a long time, and i couldn’t imagine my life without you. i love you.
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