the act of some mindless, repet-tive task to which one is indifferent, to the point on disgust… see meh
“yeah – i had to give up on arguing that point in the forum with those idiots – they don’t have a clue and i really don’t care… kinda got tired of the mehsturbation there…”
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- Tofique
a prophet, someone who can see the future. can change the laws of physics to his advantage. generally gives unfortunate prophesies or changes in laws of physics rather than good. prophet obsessed with taking over the world. napoleon must have been a tofique or something.
- Suck My D Sharp
the music theory equivalent to “suck my d-ck”. originated in the merrimack valley. mark: hey jeff, you suck at guitar. jeff: suck my d sharp.
- Shitty Ginch
a. when someone experiences a really difficult hardship. b. the literal obvious. see ginch. a. steve: “oh man. i think i chopped my b-lls off.” greg: “sh-tty ginch!” b. thomas wasn’t invited because he has sh-tty ginch.
- Spabbage
n. a foolish or stupid person. a buffoon. though they may not be a proper spabbage, and indeed a normal person, any action or phrase which a person may perform, or utter (respectively) which is idiotic in some form, may cause others in the vicinity to call them a “spabbage”. spabbage: “herp derp,” normal person: […]
- spankday
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