[ahn-twan] /ɑ̃ˈtwan/ (show ipa), 1866–1936, french linguist.
historical examples
i took the opportunity of applauding the admirable coquelin, as well as two charming vaudeville performers, m——and meillet.
original short stories, volume 3 (of 13) guy de maup-ssant
a decree signed meillet names this citizen himself governor of the fort of bicêtre.
history of the commune of 1871 p. lissagary
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arthur, 1874–1960, canadian statesman: prime minister 1920–21, 1926. historical examples colonel meighen was a very thorough and painstaking officer, very much loved by his men. the red watch j. a. currie colonel meighen had a very swell house, the windows looking south towards hooge and hill 60. the red watch j. a. currie i met […]
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adnan [ahd-nahn] /ˈɑd nɑn/ (show ipa), 1899–1961, turkish political leader: premier 1950–60. ancient maeander, meander. a river in w asia minor, flowing into the aegean near samos. 240 miles (385 km) long. ancient scamander. a river in nw asia minor, flowing across the trojan plain into the dardanelles. 60 miles (97 km) long. noun a […]
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alexandre [a-lek-sahn-druh] /a lɛkˈsɑ̃ drə/ (show ipa), 1859–1943, president of france 1920–24. historical examples this impression many socialist workingmen had, and the “case millerand” strengthened it in them. syndicalism in france louis levine after the expulsion of millerand, the two parties united in 1905 at rouen. socialism and democracy in europe samuel p. orth when […]
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amedeo [ah-me-de-aw] /ˌɑ mɛˈdɛ ɔ/ (show ipa), 1884–1920, italian painter and sculptor in france. contemporary examples he loved early 20th-century paintings, especially by modigliani, pic-sso, leger, and rouault. why i admired a p-rn king alan m. dershowitz october 21, 2010 schaeffer remembers his father squirming when pat robertson talked about burning a reproduction of a […]