to excrete any type of fluid, anywhere
dude, i just mopped, why did you have to morsculate everywhere!?
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- mortacci tua
literally it means “your f-cking dead ones”. it’s often used in a comical manner, but it’s still a heavy insult. “li mortacci tua, ma che cazzo stai facendo!?” “for your f-cking dead ones’s sake, what the f-ck are you doing!?”
- Morty
the ecruteak gym leader in pokemon, who is uber-hot and looks like a stoner. :3 he trains ghost-type pokemon when he’s not smoking crack like a good boy. tells people of the legend of the burnt tower, which burned when he dropped a joint and the whole place went up but he was too slammed […]
- mother-bored
nagged to death by your mother, grandmother or aunt. the result of the constant barrage of maternal nit-pickie reminders. after being told hang up his jacket, take off his shoes, come in through the garage and not the front door, use a handkerchief and not his sleeve, lower his voice and not to use such […]
- motherwell
motherwell otherwise know as “the pride of lanarkshire” or the steelmen. the club was established after the merging of two teams glencairn and alpha. both teams were formed from company’s who worked in the steel industry. this formation took place in 1886 motherwell is a family club and does well to stay away from the […]
- Mr. Chi Pig
canadian punk rock legend. lead singer in the band snfu, standing for society no f-cking use. based in vancouver, british columbia. ever see the movie ‘open up and say “mr. chi pig” ?