
narisha is a girl/female baby name and origin is arabic, australian, muslim

narisha, girl/female means: goddess

in arabic, australian, muslim, the name narissha is most often used as the name of a girl/female. and in arabic, australian, muslim, the girl/female name narissha means goddess
astrological/horoscope meaning of narissha. narissha means: with a name number 7, your ruling planet is neptune. you work intuitively and have a mental and sacrificing nature in exploring your goals. you like to help people in need when you get the chance and have the opportunity. likes to dream of the many possibilities of life you could undertake. your mind posseses strong inner healing powers especially when you encounter failures. you bounce back from adversity and tragic events like nothing ever happened. your dreams are sometimes revealing and prophetic. you have a personal love for water and do many sea/beach trips in your life. your spiritual pursuits may sometimes dominate your worldly desires.

-n-lytical. you take nothing at face value, and love to dig beneath the surface. fun for you is finding a loophole in an argument; however, deep down, you really thrive on learning something new.your strengths lie in your ability to focus until you get the answer. dark side? maybe a little shy; could be impatient with those not as smart as you are.
narissha you’re such a goddess

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