a new or abnormal b-n-r.
oh d-mn that’s a neob-n-r!
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- neo-Malthusian
neo-malthusians claim that there is no possibility for humanity to face and handle this problem, which will cause that we will go back to the roots and start traveling with horses again, as they believe humans are to f-cking stupid to create and invent some other opportunity. oil will un out, therefor neo-malthusians will say, […]
- Newman's Day
(1) holiday celebrated every april 24th, involving the drinking of at least 24 beers. any scheduled activity (e.g. work, cl-sses, baptisms) must still be attended. (2) an act of stupidity involing significant drinking, similar to the “yoke challenge”. “did you see chauncey? he just finished newman’s day and looks f-cked up!” “we were so bored […]
- sindecision
being stuck behind a car that, as the traffic light turns green, suddenly and w/o signaling decides it want to turn left, trapping you behind it for minutes, as you are unable to switch safely to the right lane. the car with out of state plates committed sindecision by suddenly deciding it needed to turn […]
- sindis
my home gurl hey cindyyyyyyyyy how u doin gurlll a doofus. completely oblivious to reality. she went around with a sindi look on her face all the time. a beautiful, artistic, melodramatic yet very foolish young lady. that girl is such a sindi.
- Sippus
1. when something is just really, really nice, then it can be referred to as “sippus” 2. awesome, exciting, bad-ss man 1: i won the lottery! man 2: man, that’s sippus!