the first moment you blatantly use your genealogy to your advantage.
remember when bill clinton’s half-brother roger hosted sat-rday night live? one h-ll of a nepbaptism.
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- Nerdison
a tall, skinny, lanky type of dude. usually rocking small feet and a deep voice. generally found in orange county, ca. friend 1 – do you see that skinny dude across the street in the skinny jeans? friend 2 – sure do. what a nerdison!
- nerd-bateing
to arguee about a nerdy or geeky topic or subject. kevin and marcos were nerd-bateing all through lunch about how to pr-nounce “klingon” from star trek. a nerd who is masterbating. after the star trek convension i caught my friend who went with me in the bathroom with a playboy nerd-bateing.
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the foreskin that is removed from the p-n-s during a circ-mcision is the correct definition of shmuck. only a shmuck would would would stand up a woman on a date. (yiddish) a) a p-n-s. b) an annoying person. “i was planning this party for weeks, and this shmuck comes and ruined it !!” (n) that […]
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