no man’s sky effect

the ‘no man’s sky effect’ is used to described an occurrence when someone will not pay for something until after it has been released to public.
this is to ascertain whether the product will be good before buying it.

the ‘no man’s sky effect’ is caused by the game “no man’s sky”. the developers built up the game and informed everyone of these amazing features that will be included in the game. doing so, they earned a great lot of money through kickstarter donations etc. however upon release it turned out that the majority of these features were either lies or not everything they cracked up to be. this caused the game to become a m-ssive disappointment to everyone who had paid a lot of money towards the game.

and now because of this many people have become afeared to buy a game before public reviews come out.
“ah man, everyone’s pre-ordering the new far cry game. you should get it too”
“no thanks. i’m going to wait”
“how come?”
“the no man’s sky effect is kicking in”

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