stands for nerds with benefits.
a friend who will also help you with your science homework or fix your computer etc.
“woah, how did you do so well in that test?!”
“with some help from my nwb.”
newbie, someone who is new to the nessage board or an online community.
shut the f-ck up you f-cking nwb
nwb = noobs with b–bs.
“those chicks are nwb.”
an acronym for nozz, weed, and beer commonly used for parties.
kevin: so are we going for n.w.b tonight or what?
nwb aka north west bradenton, home to many pot smoking teens, uptight richies living in the suburbs, located right near the manatee river in bradenton, fl.
random dude: dude did you hear about that party up in the nwb ?
random dude’s friend: yeahh man, we definitely got to hit that later!
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n-gg-rs’ inherit defenses and justification for committed crimes if the victim or the criminal investigator (who will be deemed as an wicked racialist) has mentioned the word with head of alphabet “n”. with this defense the n-gg-r will be declared innocent and released as simpson in the simpson case. n-gg-r a:”i’ve just raped a white […]
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