Old Country Buffet
the act of s-xually eating out a prost-tute when the man or woman vomits in the v-g-n- of the prost-tute, and continues eating her out.
originates from collage students at university of tampa fl.
made famous by a underground rap group called e.c.e.
that guy was so p-ssed out drunk last night that he preformed an “old country buffet” on that sl-t
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- olp
1. n. abbreviation for our lady of peace high school in san diego, home to over 700 of the worlds fiiiiinest ladies 2. adj. refers to someone who exudes the beauty, cl-ss, and style of an olp girl 1. that girl is so hot and soooo out of my league…she must go to olp. no […]
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