Payday Loan

a payday loan is when you get an advance on your paycheck and pay it back with interest on payday. generally this interest is 15%. payday loans are set up to automatically pay themselves back because you post-date a check when you get the loan. if you get to the point where you are getting payday loans from other places to pay back the first payday loan, you are f-cked. payday loans should be avoided at all costs, as they f-ck you in the long run. many states have laws against certain payday loan practices.
dude 1: dude, come to the concert with us, it’s payday!

dude 2: dude, i can’t, i have to pay back these payday loans.

dude 1: dude, just get another one.

dude 2: oh yeah! then i’ll have money until next payday!
a payday loan is when you get an advance on your paycheck and pay it back with interest on payday. generally this interest is 15%. payday loans are set up to automatically pay themselves back because you post-date a check when you get the loan. if you get to the point where you are getting payday loans from other places to pay back the first payday loan, you are f-cked. payday loans should be avoided at all costs, as they f-ck you in the long run. many states have laws against certain payday loan practices.
dude 1: dude, come to the concert with us, it’s payday!

dude 2: dude, i can’t, i have to pay back these payday loans.

dude 1: dude, just get another one.

dude 2: oh yeah! then i’ll have money until next payday!

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