a person who has ‘sl-tty’ s-xual desires and would love to f-ck lots of people but doesn’t act on this as they are actually a prude (for various reasons-morale society/family/shame/stigma/religion/ frigid-sl-t etc.) so won’t, hence the term prude-sl-t.
you can tell she would, could and wants to f-ck you hard, dirty and good all-night long but she’s not down to f-ck as she’s a prude-sl-t.
ok its pretty simple:
a prude-sl-t is a girl who goes out with alot of guys, but doesn’t ever do anything with them, even just kissing.
dude maria is such a prude-sl-t, shes gone out with 5 different guys in the past 2 months and hasnt done anything more than pop kiss them!
the biggest oxy-moron in the world… i dont know what it means
when selina called me a prude sl-t i was like wtf! your a prude sl-t….after all you are the one who acts prude but gives nasty -ss eugene head secretly!
a girl who acts like a prude, but at the end of the night is definitely going home with somebody.
“leann seems like such a prude , she rarely flirts with guys.” “yeah right! she’s brought home a guy every night this week, definitely a prude sl-t.”
someone who is a sl-t when drunk and prude when sober.
danine is a prude sl-t.
a female that refuses to have s-xual relations with her current “lover”, but cheats on him with many men s-xually.
guy 1: i never get laid, but it’s ok, she’s saving herself
guy 2: what? dude, she slept with half the football team, she’s got nothing to save, she’s a prudesl-t!
a girl who is shy around the opposite s-x when sober and is a h-rny drunk
molly is such a prudesl-t always shy with joe unless shes drunk.
while sounding like an oxymoron, this word describes a girl or boy who gets with a lot of guys but does not go far with any of them.
“that girl just made out with 35 guys!”
“i know right? what a prude sl-t!”
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