n. a drug; smokable pubic hair
one itme juan form south miami and his friend were really really hi on mariuajana. having smoked really trippy stuff juan decides that it would be a good idea to shave his own pubic hair and smoke it. juan’s friend who had also smoked the trippy stuff thought is was a good idea to encourage juan by saying he didnt have the b-lls to do it… well juan did it a few months later he shared this story with his friends omid and kamaran from coral gables. they imideatly dubbed my use of pubic hair as a drug as “p-b-ion” hence the drug known as p-b-ion
yo juan be smoking that p-b-ion.
hey juan you really smoke that p-b-ion? yeah man. yo thats gross.
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dreadlocks for p-b-s did you see the p-b-locks sneaking out of that guys speedo? 1. when two partners engage in intercourse and their genital p-b-s get entangled/hooked with one another. 2. when one m-st-rb-t-s, then c-ms in his hand and falls asleep only to wake up to their hand glued to their d-ck and the […]
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