
the practice of conducting or engaging in a , as extortion or bootlegging.
a person engaged in a .
to engage in a .
contemporary examples

whatever skills it takes to succeed in espionage or racketeering, i patently lack.
vaccines are poison, cellphones cause cancer, and other medical conspiracies russell saunders july 17, 2014

the government used simmons to authenticate 11 overt acts in the racketeering indictment of welch and his deputy.
romney’s shady connections from salt lake olympics still paying off wayne barrett may 13, 2012

but in 2008, pellicano was found guilty on 76 charges—including wire fraud, ident-ty theft, and racketeering.
judge denies bail request by anthony pellicano, former sleuth to the stars christine pelisek august 13, 2012

in 2001, edwards was found guilty on charges of racketeering and sentenced to ten years in federal prison.
vote for the (alleged) crooks! how rick perry, chris christie, and scott walker are running while under investigation olivia nuzzi august 28, 2014

he was irish american, his racketeering operation rooted in the insular, old world neighborhood of south boston.
the last g-dfather t.j. english june 25, 2011

in 2002 zerilli went to prison again, this time for racketeering.
meet tony zerilli, the mobster behind this jimmy hoffa dig michael daly june 18, 2013

the indictment included 30 counts of money laundering, extortion, obstruction of justice, racketeering, and bribery.
can juries ignore ‘immoral’ laws by nullifying them? mansfield frazier december 28, 2011

kohn built her racketeering empire in stages, says the bankruptcy trustee.
madoff’s devilish female partner in crime allan dodds frank december 10, 2010

his weapons charges have been tossed, and racketeering could be next.
could el chapo go free? michael daly november 18, 2014

historical examples

it was a shame that he should be imprisoned when racketeering rats like scorio went scot-free right here in new york.
empire clifford donald simak

a person engaged in illegal enterprises for profit
(intransitive) to operate a racket

1928 (noun and verb), from racket (n.1) + -eer. related: racketeering (1928).


a person who works in an illegal racket; a member of the rackets; gangster, mobster, wise guy (late 1920s+)

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