
emitting rays of light; shining; bright:
the radiant sun; radiant colors.
bright with joy, hope, etc.:
radiant smiles; a radiant future.
physics. emitted or propagated by radiation.

noting a part-tion line having a series of flamelike indentations formed by ogees joined in zigzags; rayonny.
(of a charge, as an ordinary) having an edge or edges so formed.

a point or object from which rays proceed.
astronomy. the point in the heavens from which a shower of meteors appears to .
a refractory absorbing and heat from the flames of a gas fireplace or the like.
contemporary examples

john paul was youthful in his sixties with a radiant charisma.
how pope francis became the world’s bff jason berry december 20, 2014

having these stories gathered into one eminently readable anthology makes radiant truths an important book.
jeff sharlet’s ‘radiant truths’: how religion shaped american literary journalism jonathan d. fitzgerald may 3, 2014

she was radiant, she was beautiful, so that was something i was really surprised about.
the bruno diaries bruno tonioli march 9, 2009

the d-ch-ss looked as radiant as ever in a jewel-green belted dress by diane von furstenberg.
kate and will hit l.a.! isabel wilkinson july 18, 2011

he taught her how to die by slow example, and she was radiant with the privilege.
the day the fairytale died marilyn johnson july 11, 2014

historical examples

portia is a splendid creature, radiant with confidence, hope, and joy.
characteristics of women anna jameson

he looked upward with a radiant expression, and feebly pressed her hand.
philothea lydia maria child

in the radiant morning he walked away from her and home; into the mine, his tomb.
the immigrant tide, its ebb and flow edward a. steiner

gilder sprang to his feet, his face suddenly grown younger, radiant.
within the law marvin dana

it was radiant, shimmering, rainbow-coloured ice on every side.
red fox charles g. d. roberts

sending out rays of light; bright; shining
characterized by health, intense joy, happiness, etc: a radiant countenance
emitted or propagated by or as radiation; radiated: radiant heat
sending out heat by radiation: a radiant heater
(physics) (of a physical quant-ty in photometry) evaluated by absolute energy measurements: radiant flux, radiant efficiency compare luminous
a point or object that emits radiation, esp the part of a heater that gives out heat
(astronomy) the point in sp-ce from which a meteor shower appears to emanate

mid-15c., from middle french radiant and directly from latin radiantem (nominative radians) “beaming, shining,” present participle of radiare “to beam, shine” (see radiation). of beauty, etc., first attested c.1500. related: radiantly.

“point or object from which light radiates,” 1727; see radiant (adj.). in astronomy, of meteor showers, from 1864.

radiant ra·di·ant (rā’dē-ənt)

emitting heat or light.

consisting of or emitted as radiation.

a point from which light radiates to the eye.

transmitting light, heat, or other radiation. stars, for example, are radiant bodies.

consisting of or transmitted as radiation.

noun the apparent celestial origin of a meteor shower. for example, a point in the constellation gemini is the radiant of the geminid meteor shower.

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